igg3I recently discovered this awesome blog post/review of Illuminati Girl Gang 4. Check out the kind words from Katie Walck (@KatieWalck) on her blog THE LE SIGH:

“There’s also a really amazing piece by Alicia Eler called ‘Besties,’ a story of the emotional intensity that can come from female friendships, especially ones experienced in our teen years. She talks about the teen girl Tumblr aesthetic; it was incredibly interesting to think about how teen girls are publicly putting so much of their lives on the Internet. She relates this notion back to Gabby Bessand how she writes about what it’s like growing up on the Internet and realizing your body, gender and identity are in front of both friends and strangers. I think the most truth I found from this piece was when she warns the audience, ‘Don’t cross a teen girl. She is more powerful and fragile than you will ever be.’ That may be the most perfect description of being a teen: the mix of being very emotional and constantly questioning yourself, yet at the same time feeling invincible. Those feelings are happening during such a strangely beautiful time and oftentimes, we don’t even realize it.”