UPDATES: One Sister Inc. is transforming into Elizabeth Restaurant, slated to open in August/September 2012. For updates, go to Elizabeth Restaurant’s Facebook page. I worked with Ms. Regan on social media for her first business, One Sister Inc. 

CASE STUDY: One Sister Inc.
Iliana Regan owns One Sister Inc., a natural food company that hosts events and sells prepared foods. Through word-of-mouth and local press such as Daily Candy, Regan has gained a steady following for her pierogi, which she sells at local farmers’ markets, and her underground dining. Regan is interested in growing One Sister Inc.’s online community through her company blog, Finding Foods!, her personal Facebook Profile for Iliana Regan, One Sister Inc’s Facebook Business Page, @onesisterinc on Twitter, Iliana Regan’s professional LinkedIn profile, and a monthly email newsletter. The goal is to direct online community engagement to offline events, such as underground dinners and pierogi sales, in addition to networking with other entrepreneurs who sell product at farmers markets, organic/natural food chefs, and local and national food bloggers and publications.

In our compact, three-hour “super social media session,” Iliana and I discussed ways she could expand her One Sister Inc blog, measure and track traffic using analytics platforms on her blog and her onesisterinc.com website, optimize blog posts for search engines, use Twitter to create and build a presence in her niches, email marketing best practices and strategy, LinkedIn strategy, and Facebook community building ideas. We also looked at how to use Facebook and Twitter from a mobile device.

TESTIMONIAL from Iliana Regan, Owner/Farmer of One Sister Inc.
I was extremely impressed with Alicia Eler’s efficiency, patience and organization during our Social Media Super Session. She had built an outline categorizing all aspects of social media where I had asked for her help. She had thoroughly researched my work and showed me in key points through the outline how I could build in each of the areas. She left the outline for me along with some research and homework for me to do so that I could better navigate the social media networks and learn how to become active within the different online communities.  She explained how it works and how it effects a business and essentially how social media is the new direction that advertising and marketing headed.  I still have a lot of work to do but I truly believe she is my go to for consultation in the future and is an excellent contact for anyone from small business entrepreneur to actor to corporation.