

Instaspam sounds kind of funny when you first hear about it. But that moment when you suddenly get a flood of fake Instagram followers, requests to like a post back or, worse, linkbait comments telling you how to get more followers can make for a serious annoyance.

Los Angeles-based writer and VIA Publication co-founder Casey Winkleman encountered Instaspam as soon as she signed up for the photo-sharing service. “A random account would comment on my posts claiming that I stole their photographs, and then they would post a link to some website,” Winkleman told me via text message. “I always ignored it and never clicked the links. It eventually stopped.” She was lucky.

Others have seen their follower counts drop radically, thanks to Instagram’s tactics at cleansing its network. But if you don’t want to wait for the service to clean house, you have a few methods for dealing with Instaspam at your disposal.

Read the full story on ReadWrite: