Jon Uriarte, “Javi & Gabi” (2013)

Jon Uriarte, “Javi & Gabi” (2013)

We turn our gazes toward men and masculinity, and suddenly everyone feels safe again.

Consider The New Inquiry’s Further Materials Toward a Theory of the Man-Child, a response to the ongoing conversations around the French journal Tiqqun’Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girlwhich uses the body of the young-girl (not necessarily a cisgender young girl) as the central unit of late capitalism. The young woman, or the young-girl remains the focus of attention economies. However, the young-girl is both scapegoat and victim, embodiment of late capitalism and that which disrupts it. In their essay “Further Materials Toward a Theory of the Man-Child,” writers Moira Weigel and Mal Ahern dismantle Tiqqun‘s text, calling out the boyish critic as the actual enigma of our age — not the young-girl and her selfie-obsession. This man-child is the real cause of perpetuating bad behavior, both within the sphere of commodity culture and within the supposed radical left and bourgeois-left spheres of cultural production alike.

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