One of Edward Kemeys’s bronze lions at the entrance to the Art Institute of Chicago (photo by Christian Newton, via Flickr)

One of Edward Kemeys’s bronze lions at the entrance to the Art Institute of Chicago (photo by Christian Newton, via Flickr)

CHICAGO — Thick snowflakes drift from the gray sky above, the energy-sapping inflatable Christmas decorations are in a constant state of blowing across front lawns citywide, and even my parents’ German Shepherd needs a sweater. It must be that time of year again, when the last of this season’s art exhibitions either close their doors or stick it out into January. I’m busy compiling listicles and lists for you, dear reader, to help all of us remember which artworks struck us this past year, and which pieces we just used as platforms for #artselfies.


#1 – Guy Ben-Ner’s Soundtrack at Aspect Ratio Gallery

Guy Ben-Ner, still from “Soundtrack” (2013), color video with sound, 11 min, 12 sec (courtesy the artist)

Guy Ben-Ner, still from “Soundtrack” (2013), color video with sound, 11 min, 12 sec (courtesy the artist)

Aspect Ratio Gallery (119 N. Peoria St, #3D, Chicago) / March 15–April 26, 2013

Guy Ben-Ner is a family guy in the most artistic sense of the phrase. In his video works, he regularly explores interpersonal relationships in today’s modern world, where consumerism rules and our lives sometimes seem like they’re filmic productions of themselves. That’s exactly what his 11-minute video“Soundtrack” (2013) deals with. Here, the artist plays with the idea of heightening everyday moments through the use of an appropriated soundtrack from Steven Spielberg’s 2005 film War of the Worlds. The domestic becomes catastrophic in scenes surreal and bizarre as the drama of the world is projected onto the family.

See the full list on Hyperallergic: