Water Watcher: Seeking The Substance that Makes Us Human

CRAVE Online column, Crystal Paradise

Writer Alicia Eler reflects on L.A.’s trickling river, Portland’s lush waterfalls, and the fluidity of social media that networks us all.


The epic California drought articles keep spreading across the web, and I find myself imagining the reality of a waterless urban existence. This isn’t the first drought in California’s history, however — it just happens to be the one we’re living in today. So when I went up to Portland, Oregon, to lecture at Portland State University on the concept of “Warholian Instahumor,” a new term I coined to describe the Instafamous, I welcomed the water, rain, moisture floating in the air. Over the past few months, I’ve been subconsciously seeking water in all of its forms, perhaps as a reaction to these drought articles. I always find what I am looking for when traveling, experiencing art, and immersing myself in the technology that defines our times. This time it happened in Portland.

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