

Tinder involves managing the vulnerability of “putting oneself out there” by playing it like a video game.

“We saw some beautiful things here. Things we’ll never forget … Everyone was just trying to find themselves. God it was so nice to get a break from reality for a little while.” — From the closing voice-over of Spring Breakers

Love is not a game. Tinder is. Login with your Facebook account and start swiping to play. Swipe right not to find “the one,” but to find someone. See who you match with, and then decide what winning would even mean, to put an end to it.

When it comes to managing emotional vulnerability while simultaneously “putting yourself out there” — a philosophy that digital connectivity seems to invite, if not demand — Tinder is the safest way to find a mate. The interface engages you in a way that allows you to remain detached. In Tinderland nothing matters unless you want it to matter. You are in control: You decide when to swipe, who to message, when to take your conversations to a different app.

Read the full essay on The New Inquiryhttp://thenewinquiry.com/essays/how-to-win-tinder/