
Sin Heroes by Rodrigo Valenzuela

Rodrigo Valenzuela traverses futuristic ruins in his solo exhibition, Sin Héroes. Even though his work appears to be from “the future,” there’s another conversation happening here about the labor needed to make art. In this way, the working mentality of the middle class and working class dominate the underpinnings of his constructed spaces.

In the front gallery, viewers find an array of large-scale photographs of these spaces. There are both meta and mythical qualities to each of the striking photographs; one wonders if the original structures used to make the photographs still exist somewhere, and if so what state they might be in. If so, there’s still garbage in the future.

Read more at http://www.craveonline.com/art/994911-review-rodrigo-valenzuelas-ruins-future-past#4Dt9pBt7ZCQ5uAUX.99