From Feast of Fun, December 12, 2017, by Marc Felion and Fausto Fernós:
Writer Alicia Eler (center) joins Fausto Fernós and Marc Felion to take a look at selfies and the impact they have on our lives. Photo: Fausto Fernós.
Some folks roll their eyes at the mention of a selfie because they think of this form of photography as a vain pastime. But selfies are important in shaping how we think of ourselves. After all, when you post a selfie you’re just one click away from having random strangers telling you exactly what they think of your face.
But beyond this, how does posting a selfie change our ideas about sex, privacy and culture?
Today writer and selfie expert Alicia Eler joins us to talk about her new book “The Selfie Generation” which takes a revealing look at the power and potential of selfies to shape the world.
Listen as we chat with Alicia about why men hate on women for taking selfies, how a selfie can garner a million likes, and how not to engage the selfie haters online.
Featured Book: Alicia Eler – The Selfie Generation: How Our Self-Images Are Changing Our Notions of Privacy, Sex, Consent, and Culture: Amazon
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