The middle ages were definitely a different time, which we can clearly see reflected in their artwork. But even though we might not be able to relate to wielding swords, wearing fabulous dresses or having our villages pillaged, human nature stays the same, and some part of us can relate to the emotions experienced in these images. That’s why Official Medieval Reactions is so brilliant. It doesn’t matter what caused the people in these paintings to be upset, excited or scared, we can relate to the way they feel. And clearly, the Instagram page resonates with many people, as it has amassed over 140k followers.

In fact, the trend of meme-ing medieval art has become so popular that Alicia Eler, a writer for HyperAllergic, even published an article earlier this year dissecting why exactly medieval art is so meme-able. She first notes that the original intention of these pieces was not comedy at all, but as times change, we tend to find many things from the past humorous. The outfits our parents wore to prom, even the outfits we wore in middle school ourselves, don’t quite hold up to fashion standards today. But at the time, we looked fabulous. It’s important to keep in mind that the world was just a different place back then, and we now view these pieces of art through a very different lens.

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