When L.A. artist Vanessa Prager paints, she paints hard. She doesn’t make paintings so much as she makes gloopy, blobby, swirling sculptural works out of paint, indulging in extreme messy excess. These are portraits that are more like landscapes – alive with movement, crystallized ephemerality, and oozing sensuality.
Prager’s paintings are nothing like they appear online, which is where you’re likely to first encounter them. On the Internet, they appear to be flat, two-dimensional abstract paintings. The pixelated screen transforms them like they do anything textural, making visuals into easily digestible pieces for quick scanning and screened visions. But in person, the artist’s paintings stand in stark opposition to this flatness. Ironic, considering Prager is very much influenced by the onslaught of pictures, texts, tweets, and gif-y visual stimuli of the Web.
Read more and watch the video at http://www.craveonline.com/art/945433-wall-wall-vanessa-prager-art-excess-voyeurism#iZIy02sdCDrXbAHs.99