Amazing mention in The New Yorker!

Amazing mention in The New Yorker!

I am so honored the the essay “The Teen-Girl Tumblr Aesthetic” that I co-authored for Hyperallergic a few years ago with Kate Durbin is in today’s New Yorker! read Haley Mlotek’s review of @SoSadToday’s new book of poetry, which discusses a similar...
Can Women Build a Better Tinder?

Can Women Build a Better Tinder?

From WIRED, November 17, 2015, by Alana Hope Levinson: “Being single in 2015 often means cynically scaling the walls of the internet and praying for a foothold. “Winning Tinder is about mastering the app’s affordances, its game mechanics, the dissociative...
Final Destination

Final Destination

From The Awl, August 18, 2017: “Writing in The New Inquiry, Eve Peyser and Alicia Eler liken the Tinder profile to a video game avatar. Bearing your name and modest resemblance, it skulks around a landscape that is addictive, fun, and goal-oriented. Success...
‘Sylvia’ finds new life on a blog

‘Sylvia’ finds new life on a blog

From the Chicago Tribune, November 14, 2010 by Mary Schmich: “I joke with my friends that she’s a 71-year-old hipster,” says Alicia Eler, the 26-year-old social media consultant who runs Hollander’s blog. “She is actually cooler than any...