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100 Women We Love: Class of 2019 / GO Magazine

100 Women We Love: Class of 2019 / GO Magazine

From GO Magazine, June 30, 2019 S.E. Jackson, JD Glass, Robin Kish, Alicia Eler, Che Landon, and Dayna Troisi We are thrilled to present this year’s 100 Women We Love—a diverse group of out entertainers, athletes, artists, activists, business leaders, and elected...

Funny Feelings / Real Life Magazine

Funny Feelings / Real Life Magazine

“The stage presents things that are make-believe; presumably life presents things that are real and sometimes not well rehearsed.” — Erving Goffman,The Performance of Self in Everyday Life In putting us behind screens, social media can seem as though they put us in...

9 Productivity Apps You Need Now / DailyWorth

9 Productivity Apps You Need Now / DailyWorth

Go From Dreading to Done Staying attuned to your workflow and on top of multiple tasks is key to making the most of your workday. While the classic to-do list can be efficient, some days easily trample traditional pen and paper, leaving it a scribbled mess with extra...

6 Ways to Beat the Afternoon Slump / DailyWorth

6 Ways to Beat the Afternoon Slump / DailyWorth

Lunch is over and you’re heading into that last stretch of the workday. But you’re having trouble focusing on your long, seemingly insurmountable to-do list for the afternoon. We’ve all been there. You might even be there right now. When the slump strikes, you may be...

The Child is (Un)dead: Taxidermy Art as Resurrected Victorian Post-Mortem Photography / Essay for the OPP Art Critics Series

The Child is (Un)dead: Taxidermy Art as Resurrected Victorian Post-Mortem Photography / Essay for the OPP Art Critics Series

Slipping the fur skin of a dead animal over a perfectly crafted taxidermy form produces a visual illusion of life, much in the tradition of a trompe l’oeil painting. In traditional taxidermy terms, the relationship between man and animal is that of a hunter conquering...