How Facebook Is Taking On “Dangerous” Speech / ReadWrite
Rumors spread quickly in Myanmar, a southeast Asian nation now fitfully recovering from decades of military dictatorship. Unleashed ethnic tensions have already led to bloody clashes between Burmese nationalists and Muslims. One of the nation's most radical...
Who Wants To Send Their Friends Money Via Facebook Messenger? / ReadWrite
Facebook announced a new feature Tuesday that allows friends to send money to one another through its Messenger app. But that comes at the risk of sharing even more details of your personal life with the social network. The process is simple. Facebook added a money...
How To Protect Yourself From Instaspam / ReadWrite
Instaspam sounds kind of funny when you first hear about it. But that moment when you suddenly get a flood of fake Instagram followers, requests to like a post back or, worse, linkbait comments telling you how to get more followers can make for a serious annoyance....
Apple’s Emoji Characters Will Soon Look More Like The World / ReadWrite
Beware, expressionistic faces of Simpsonesque yellow hue and traditional nuclear families—your emoji dominance of texting is drawing to a close. Apple has unveiled new, diverse sets of emoji representing a variety of ethnicities and family types in the latest beta...
Facebook Lets You Write In Whatever Gender You Want / ReadWrite
Thursday, Facebook announced the addition of a free-form field to the Gender options area in Facebook profiles. The new "custom" option space allows users to write in any description they want—whether "dog-loving master of bro-associated domains" or "cheese-eating...
Blogger Leaves The Porn To Tumblr / ReadWrite
Tumblr may soon have the Internet porn-blogging contest all wrapped up, now that one of its main rivals is zipping its lip about the dirty bits. Starting March 23, the Google-owned blog platform Blogger will bar users from "publicly" sharing images or videos that “are...
Death Gets a Facebook Update / ReadWrite
Social media sites, so good at chronicling the ins and outs of our lives, have been uniquely terrible at handling their inevitable end. On Facebook, for instance, a reported death has long stuck friends and family with a static and almost ghostly memorial account—one...
ReadWriteWeb Tech Culture Reporter
ReadWriteWeb is one of the Internet's leading tech news sites. From October 2011–July 2012, I served as a reporter for ReadWriteWeb. I covered the intersection of social networks, culture and communication. My most recent coverage includes Facebook's acquisition of...
ReadWriteWeb Technology Journalism Stories
From October 2011–July 2012, I served as a reporter for ReadWriteWeb. I covered the intersection of social networks, culture and communication. My most recent coverage includes Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram, the future of photo-sharing apps on the Web, the...